Hallo Everybody👋, I'm
Aji Setiawan
I'm a
This website is meant to introduce myself. Here, you can find information about me and my CV, my skills and expertise, my projects, and my contact details.
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About Me
Hello! I’m Aji Setiawan, a Information Technology and student at Bina Sarana Informatika University. I have a strong passion for software development, particularly in web development, database management, and programming with Python, Java, and JavaScript. With a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. I strive to deliver effective and innovative technology solutions in every project i undertake.
Get Curriculum VitaeMy Skills
I have technological skills to support software development, here are some of the skills and abilities that I have.

Front End
Skill in building interactive and responsive user interfaces UI. With experience of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, and JavaScript technologies, Focus is on creating optimal user experiences UX through clean and efficient code implementation.
My Project
These are some examples of projects I have worked on, reflecting my technical abilities and creativity.

Company Profile Ym Interior
YM Interior company profile website. This website will serve as an online platform to introduce YM Interior to the audience.

Rest Api Book Application
Rest api books application, final exam at coding academy Back end for beginners. with features to add book, view all book, view book by id, change book, and delete book.

Implementation of Stack Data Structure in Ship Parking Application
Data structure course exam, implementation of stack data structure in ship parking application with add vehicle, see vehicle in front, delete vehicle in front, and empty vehicle features. Stack data structure type is Last In, First Out which means the last element entered will be the first element to come out.

Library Book Management System
Final project of database course, development of library book management system. with features focused on book lending, namely adding loans, editing loans, and returning books, in addition there are features to add and edit books, also accompanied by login and register features. This application is specifically used by library staff.
Contact Me
Can i help you? Do you want to send me feedback or need more details about me? Let me know.Â